Couples Final Corbett

In June 2011 I attended a couple’s final Munro, Beinn Sgritheal, to the north of the Knoydart Peninsula. Eleven years later, along with a few hill walking friends, I was invited to their final Corbett.

We headed for the hamlet of Duror on the A828 Ballachulish to Connel Road and parked beside the Abhain Cottages on the Achadh nan Darach Road, to the east of the main road, then walked back, west, to a tarred vehicle track, part of an old railway line.

Fraochaidh from Duror
Fraochaidh from Duror

This track was followed south to the forest where some of the trees had been harvested. We then headed east then south-east along the forest tracks above Glen Duror to a newish hardcore path at NN013537. It rose steeply to NN013536 where it joined what appeared to be an older path. This path, steep in places, took us out of the trees ending at NN011532. There were then faint traces of a path through the vegetation, to the west of the lochans, but it soon disappeared.

Across Loch Linnhe to Kingairloch and Ardgour
Across Loch Linnhe to Kingairloch and Ardgour

It was then across some rough vegetation onto Fraochaidh’s North-West Ridge where the walking was easier.

Coire Dubh and Fraochaidh
Coire Dubh and Fraochaidh

This ridge above Coire na Capuill and Coire Dubh led to the summit of Fraochaidh marked by a cairn with iron fence posts.

Ardsheal Hill, Loch Linnhe and Ardgour
Ardsheal Hill, Loch Linnhe and Ardgour
Approaching summit
Approaching summit
Approaching summit
Approaching summit
Across Glen Duror to Beinn a' Bheithir
Across Glen Duror to Beinn a’ Bheithir
East Ridge Fraochaidh and the Glen Coe Hills
East Ridge Fraochaidh and the Glen Coe Hills
Beinn Fhionnlaidh
Beinn Fhionnlaidh
Glen Creran and Beinn Sgulaird
Glen Creran and Beinn Sgulaird
Meall Ban and Beinn Mhic na Ceisich
Meall Ban and Beinn Mhic na Ceisich

We had lunch and cake here before returning  by the ascent route although we headed for the lochans before rejoining the path.

  • Time taken – 6.5 hours.
  • Distance – 14.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 900 metres.