
I left my vehicle in the car park at Forest Lodge accessed along the single track road from Polharrow Bridge on the A713 north of New Galloway. I then followed the sign-posted route for Corserine which took me through the forest, where some areas had been harvested, passed the house at Fore Bush, and along the track that ran between Lochs Harrow and Marnoch.

Start of route
Start of route
Track towards Fore Bush
Track towards Fore Bush
North Gairy Top
North Gairy Top

At a bend in the forest track the old path had been replaced by a hard core track narrowing just before it exited the forest. Here the final sign indicated the route up the open hillside, an obvious path rising above the north side of the corrie.

New signed track through trees
New signed track through trees
Open hillside
Open hillside

The path was mainly dry and led to a shelter cairn just above the corrie.

Folk Burn and ascent route
Folk Burn and ascent route
Millfire and Milldown
Millfire and Milldown

It was then an easy walk to the summit trig point of the Graham, Corsernie, where I met a couple of locals.

Summit, Corserine
Summit, Corserine
Mullwharchar. Merrick and Kirriereoch Hill beyond
Mullwharchar. Merrick and Kirriereoch Hill beyond
Carlin's Cairn
Carlin’s Cairn

As I was about to set off on my return to Forest Lodge using the upward route a runner and a mountain biker arrived at the top.

  • Time taken – 3.75 hours.
  • Distance – 13.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 695 metres.