Corbetts Aonach Buidhe and Faochaig

We were staying at Plockton so this made accessing Killilan, the starting point for the Corbetts, Aonach Buidhe and Faochaig, a relatively short drive. On leaving the A87 Kyle of Lochalsh to Dornie Road west of the Dornie Bridge we drove along the single track road on the west side of Loch Long to the car park just before the hamlet of Killilan.

We set off on our bikes along the tarred road through Killilan and into Glen Elchaig. After a few miles the tarred road was replaced by an estate track and not far along it we came to a locked gate in a deer fence. It was just possible to get the bikes through the adjoining kissing gate. The now undulating route continued up the glen above the River Elchaig then later on the north-west side of Loch na Leitreach.

Route up Glen Elchaig
Route up Glen Elchaig
Loch na Leitreach
Loch na Leitreach

After the house at Carnach the vehicle track ran through Srath Duilleach to the house at Iron Lodge.

Srath Duillteach
Srath Duillteach
Iron Lodge
Iron Lodge

On leaving our bikes here we continued up the glen, crossing the An Cromm-allt, heading towards Doire Gharbh.  We left this path then it was a steady climb, initially mainly on grass although higher up it included boulders, to reach the summit of the Corbett, Aonach Buidhe. Some shelter from the wind allowed us to take a break looking north towards Beinn Dronaig and Lurg Mhor.

Coire a' Chadha Ruaidh Mor, Faochaig
Coire a’ Chadha Ruaidh Mor, Faochaig
Route to Aonach Buidhe
Route to Aonach Buidhe
View down Glen to Loch na Leitreach and Carnan Cruithneachd
View down Glen to Loch na Leitreach and Carnan Cruithneachd
Loch Mhoicean and An Socach
Loch Mhoicean and An Socach
Beinn Fhionnlaidh, Carn Eighe and Mam Sodhail
Beinn Fhionnlaidh, Carn Eighe and Mam Sodhail
Mullach na Dheiragain and Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan
Mullach na Dheiragain and Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan
Loch Cruoshie, Bidein a' Choire Sheasgaich and Lurg Mhor
Loch Cruoshie, Bidein a’ Choire Sheasgaich and Lurg Mhor
Towards Loch Monar
Towards Loch Monar
Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan and Gleann Gaorsaic
Sgurr nan Ceathreamhnan and Gleann Gaorsaic

Once on the move again we descended west then south-west to avoid the crags then lower down located a quad vehicle track. This took us to the stalker’s path running from Iron Lodge across to the Maol-bhuidhe Bothy through the glen between Aonach Buidhe and Faochaig. We followed this stalker’s path north to the start of the stalker’s path that headed for Faochaig although initially it wasn’t obvious.  This path wound its way onto Faochaig’s North-West Ridge then an easy stroll to the summit of this Corbett.

Aonach Buidhe
Aonach Buidhe
Sguman Coinntich and Ben Killilan
Sguman Coinntich and Ben Killilan
Carn nan Searrach and Carn na Sean-luibe
Carn nan Searrach and Carn na Sean-luibe
Beinn Dronaig, Bidein a' Choire Sheasgaich and Lurg Mhor
Beinn Dronaig, Bidein a’ Choire Sheasgaich and Lurg Mhor

After a short break here we descended south-east to some lochans and Cadha Ban before the gradient increased. It was then a fairly steep drop, avoiding the rocks, to return to beside Iron Lodge and our bikes.

Descent route Faochaig taken following day
Descent route Faochaig taken following day

The midges were horrendous here so once ready we headed off back down the glen, occasionally cycling through swarms of midges, to reach our cars as a few spots of rain began to fall.

  • Time taken 9.25 hours.
  • Distance – 38 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1645 metres.