Corbett Sgurr a’ Chaorachain Applecross

The start for the ascent of the Corbett, Sgurr a’ Chaorachain, was the car park at the summit of the Bealach na Ba, the minor road between Kishorn and Applecross in Wester Ross.

Isle of Skye from car park
Isle of Skye from car park
Beinn Bhan
Beinn Bhan
Sgurr a' Chaorachain North Top
Sgurr a’ Chaorachain North Top

We were already at 620 meters above sea level although lost a few metres as we walked briefly south to reach the vehicle track leading to the radio mast.

Meall Gorm
Meall Gorm

This track was rough but made for a quick ascent to the communications tower and the nearby cairn marking the summit of the Corbett Top, Sgurr a’ Chaorachain North Top.

Applecross, Inner Sound and Isle of Raasay
Applecross, Inner Sound and Isle of Raasay
Coire a' Chaorachain
Coire a’ Chaorachain
Sgurr a' Chaorachain
Sgurr a’ Chaorachain

A descent south then east took us onto Sgurr a’ Chaorachain’s West Ridge which narrowed with a couple of short steep drops before climbing to the cairn marking the summit of the Corbett with views down to Loch Kishorn and Loch Carron.

Coire na Ba and Loch Kishorn
Coire na Ba and Loch Kishorn
East Ridge Meall Gorm. Loch Carron beyond
East Ridge Meall Gorm. Loch Carron beyond
Na Ciochan
Na Ciochan
Coulin Hills
Coulin Hills
Lochs Kishorn and Carron
Lochs Kishorn and Carron

We returned along the west ridge before descending to the top of the final hair pin bend at the Bealach na Ba.


Once across the road we climbed south through some rocky and rough ground to reach the trig point, the summit of the Graham Top, Meall Gorm, with views across the Inner Sound to the Isle of Skye.

Across the Inner Sound to Beinn na Caillich, Isle of Skye
Across the Inner Sound to Beinn na Caillich, Isle of Skye
Across the Inner Sound to Broadford Bay and the Cuillin Mountains
Across the Inner Sound to Broadford Bay and the Cuillin Mountains
Across the Inner Sound to the Isle of Scalpay and the Cuillin Mountains
Across the Inner Sound to the Isle of Scalpay and the Cuillin Mountains
Beinn a' Chlachain
Beinn a’ Chlachain

A short descent north then a road walk took us back to the car park.

Bealach na Ba Road
Bealach na Ba Road
  • Time taken – 4 hours.
  • Distance – 8 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 510 metres.