Corbett, Ben Tee, from Kilfinnan

I was en-route home from a trip to the west coast and stopped off at Kilfinnan, on the west side of Loch Lochy reached from the A82 at Laggan Locks, to climb the Corbett, Ben Tee. At the end of the single track road there was parking for several vehicles although in wet conditions the area would be rather muddy.

Immediately to the west of this parking area an animal track, or possibly an old stalker’s path, headed up the grassy bank on the north side of the Killfinnan Burn.

Gully, Kilfinnan Burn. Ben Tee beyond
Gully, Kilfinnan Burn. Ben Tee beyond

Various tracks then led onto the heathery hillside where the path either came to an end or I lost its line. I wandered through the heather, crossed a stock fence, and headed to the deer fence where the stile was broken and the gate had collapsed.

Loch Lochy
Loch Lochy
Ceann Loch
Ceann Loch
Ben Tee

The ground beyond was rather marshy with frogs active in the pools. The gradient increased as I climbed onto Ben Tee’s East Ridge then walked towards its top. High up the gradient increased again and there were patches of snow but I was able to avoid most of them to reach the summit cairn.

Approaching summit of Ben Tee
Approaching summit of Ben Tee
Beinn Iaruinn beyond Meall nan Dearcag
Beinn Iaruinn beyond Meall nan Dearcag
Sean Mheall and Sron a' Choire Ghairbh
Sean Mheall and Sron a’ Choire Ghairbh
Meall a' Choire Ghlais and Meall na h-Eilde
Meall a’ Choire Ghlais and Meall na h-Eilde
Glen Garry
Glen Garry
Loch Garry and towards the mountains of Kintail
Loch Garry and towards the mountains of Kintail
Loch Ness in the distance
Loch Ness in the distance

I sat here for around half an hour taking in the views of the snow capped hills then returned to the gap in the deer fence by a more direct route. Below the snow patches there were traces of a walker’s path but it soon disappeared. Lower down I met a chap sitting enjoying the sun and the views. He had set out from Invergarry and this was his first visit to Scotland, he couldn’t have asked for a better day.  Once beyond the deer fence I walked through the heather and followed various trails to my car.

  • Time taken – 4.25 hours.
  • Distance – 9.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 865 metres.