Corbett, Beinn Bhan via Sron Coire an Fhamhair

I was staying with friends in the west coast and decided to climb the Corbett, Beinn Bhan. We parked on the Applecross Road, east of the bridge over the River Kishorn just off the A896 Lochcarron to Shieldaig Road at Tornapress, where there was space for several vehicles.

Towards Loch Kishorn
Towards Loch Kishorn
River Kishorn. Beinn Damh in distance
River Kishorn. Beinn Damh in distance

We crossed the road bridge then walked north along the west side of the River Kishorn following a path which was wet and boggy in places.

Beinn Damh, Maol Chean-dearg and An Ruadh-stac
Beinn Damh, Maol Chean-dearg and An Ruadh-stac
Beinn Bhan, A' Chioch and A' Phoit
Beinn Bhan, A’ Chioch and A’ Phoit
Beinn Bhan, A' Phoit and Sron Coire an Fhamhair
Beinn Bhan, A’ Phoit and Sron Coire an Fhamhair

Reasonable progress was made and prior to reaching Loch Gaineamhach we left the path and crossed some rough ground then over the shoulder of Druim Glas.

Loch Gaineamhach and An Staonach
Loch Gaineamhach and An Staonach
Sron Coire an Fhamhair, route onto Beinn Bhan
Sron Coire an Fhamhair, route onto Beinn Bhan

A slight loss of height led to the foot of Sron Coire an Fhamhair and the commencement of a fairly rocky ridge involving some easy scrambling as we searched out a route through the crags. Fortunately it was sunny as it would be difficult finding a way up in poor visibility.

Ben Shieldaig with Liathach in the haze
Ben Shieldaig with Liathach in the haze

Eventually we reached the plateau where we spotted our first golden plover of the year. On walking round the head of Coire an Fhamair it was noted that someone wearing crampons had ascended the snow filled corrie and climbed through the cornice before heading for the summit of Beinn Bhan.

Cornice above Coire an Fhamair
Cornice above Coire an Fhamair
Coire an Fhamair and Lochan Coir na Poite
Coire an Fhamair and Lochan Coir na Poite

As we made our way towards this top we met a party of three who were planning on descending by this route but without axes and crampons they changed their minds after speaking with us.

Sron Coire an Fhamhair
Sron Coire an Fhamhair
A' Chioch, Beinn Bhan
A’ Chioch, Beinn Bhan
Approaching summit of Beinn Bhan
Approaching summit of Beinn Bhan

The summit of this Corbett was reached and here we stopped for lunch within the sheltered cairn surrounding the trig point.

Sgurr a' Chaorachain
Sgurr a’ Chaorachain
Inner Sound
Inner Sound

Afterwards we descended south-east round the cornices at the heads of Coire na Poite, Coire na Feola and Coire Each before heading towards the Applecross Road.

Descending head of Coire na Poite
Descending head of Coire na Poite
Beinn Bhan
Beinn Bhan
Coire na Feola and descent ridge
Coire na Feola and descent ridge

Lower down a few outcrops were avoided before reaching the road south-west of the bridge over the River Kishorn. A short road walk then took us back to the car.

Lochs Kishorn and Carron
Lochs Kishorn and Carron
  • Time taken – 7 hours.
  • Distance – 13 kilometres.
  • Height climbed 1090 metres.