Cononish Glen

I left my vehicle in the car park at Dalrigh on the west side of the A82 Crianlarich to Tyndrum Road and set off west along the vehicle track which passed to the north of a large house, went through the trees, under the railway line and into Cononish Glen.

Cononish Glen and Ben Lui
Cononish Glen and Ben Lui
River Cononish and Beinn Chuirn
River Cononish and Beinn Chuirn

After around an hour I reached Cononish Farm where new fencing, gates and signage had been installed. Just prior to the farm there was a sign for the route to the Graham, Meall Odhar then beside the farm various signs regarding access to the Cononish Gold Mine.  Beyond the farm there were several warning signs attached to the new stock fence regarding unauthorised entry to the gold mine.

I continued up the glen passing through gates in a new deer fence. Beyond the second one a signpost indicated the route to the Eas Anie and here I left the track and followed a grassy path north-west below the waterfalls and onto the east ridge of Beinn Chuirn’s South Top.

Eas Anie
Eas Anie

Here the path disappeared and the gradient eased considerably as I continued up the ridge to reach the summit of this Corbett Top as a light snow shower passed through the area.

Ben Lui in a snow shower
Ben Lui in a snow shower
Route onto Beinn Chuirn
Route onto Beinn Chuirn

A short descent north took me to the col with the main summit then a grassy path beside metal fence posts led to the cairn marking the summit of the Corbett, Beinn Chuirn.

Snow capped Ben More and Stob Binnein
Snow capped Ben More and Stob Binnein
Beinn Dubhchraig and Ben Oss
Beinn Dubhchraig and Ben Oss
Loch Awe with the Cruachan Hills in the distance
Loch Awe with the Cruachan Hills in the distance
Glen Lochy, Beinn Bhreac-liath and Auch Gleann
Glen Lochy, Beinn Bhreac-liath and Auch Gleann

After a break I descended south-east to above the Eas Anie where I had views down to the gold mine.

Cononish Gold Mine
Cononish Gold Mine
Meall Odhar
Meall Odhar
Cononish Glen
Cononish Glen

The descent continued south then later south-east to the gates in the deer fence where I rejoined the vehicle track and followed it back to the start.

  • Time taken – 5.5 hours.
  • Distance 16.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 815 metres.