Circuit of Glen Sax Scottish Borders

The plan was to climb the Graham and New Donald, Dun Rig, on a circuit of Glen Sax taking in a few minor tops. I left my car in the lay-by at the top of Glen Road in Peebles, Scottish Borders, walked along the road then the track signposted Gypsy Glen and the Old Drove Road.

Start of walk
Start of walk

This took us to a footbridge over Haystoun Burn, through a wooded area and a couple of gates, to reach a junction of paths.

Towards Manor Glen
Towards Manor Glen
Craig Head
Craig Head

My walking companion took the lower path along Kailzie Old Drove Road and towards Kirkhope Law while I took the high route and ascended the Tump, Craig Head, with views of the planned route and back to Peebles.

Hundleshope Heights and Newby Kipps
Hundleshope Heights and Newby Kipps
Glensax. Dun Rig in distance
Glensax. Dun Rig in distance

After an easy descent south-east I rejoined the Old Drove Road at another gate then it was a steady climb with a few minor dips and this took me to the west of Kailzie Hill where I caught up with my walking partner. Together we continued to the Tump, Kirkhope Law, where we took a break. A white Land Rover was spotted driving from Glen Sax onto Birkscairn Hill.

Peebles and approach route
Peebles and approach route

The walk continued with a short descent south-west then an ascent of the Graham Top and New Donald, Birkscairn Hill where on arrival we discovered the Land Rover belonged to Moffat Mountain Rescue Team. Two members and several marshals were there as part of the ‘Two Breweries Hill Race,’ a run from Innerleithen to Broughton.

Kirkhope Law
Kirkhope Law

We departed this summit descending to the col with Stake Law then climbed this deleted Donald Top. Beyond the ground was rather boggy with several peat hags before the going improved as we climbed to Dun Rig’s Trig Point then onto its highest point which was two metres higher than the trig.

The walk continued south-west as we worked our way through more wet and boggy ground then round the head of Glen Sax before turning north to climb Middle Hill on Glenrath Heights, a Graham Top and New Donald. Here we took another break and through binoculars saw the runners climbing nearby Stob Law.

Glenrath Heights
Glenrath Heights
Stob Law
Stob Law

From Middle Hill we continued to Hundleshope Law, another deleted Donald Top, where again the trig wasn’t the highest point.

Route to Hundleshope Heights
Route to Hundleshope Heights
Route to Newby Kipps
Route to Newby Kipps

Here we parted company, my walking partner descended its north-east ridge while I headed north over Preston Law then descended to the col with Newby Kipps. I then climbed to the rocky summit of this Tump.

Looking back at Preston Law and Hundleshope Heights
Looking back at Preston Law and Hundleshope Heights

The descent east was fairly steep but lower down sheep trails were followed through the bracken. I reached and crossed the Waddenshope Burn, rejoined my companion, and walked down an estate track to Glen Sax. A vehicle track, tarred lower down, took us back to Glen Road in Peebles.

  • Time taken – 6.75 hours.
  • Distance – 21.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 930 metres.