Central Scotland

I left my vehicle in the car park at Bracklinn Falls, north of Callander, and walked to the Falls where I crossed the bridge over the Keltie Water. The path then continued up the east side of this stream to later join a vehicle track which was followed north-east to a padlocked gate. Once over this gate I continued along the track before leaving it and walking over grass and heather to the summit of the Tump, Tom Dubh. I then returned to the locked gate and descended to the road on the west side of the Keltie Water and followed this tarred road back to the car park.

The next hill was north of Doune. I parked at the side of the road leading to the Red Kite Centre and walked south along this road then east on the farm road leading to Glenwilk. At a junction of tracks I headed north into the trees as the condition of the track deteriorated. The highest point  of this Tump, The Drum, was apparently on the east side of the track.

I parked in Argyll Way, Dunblane, and walked along a track and across a football pitch to the covered reservoir which marked the summit of the Tump, Dunblane Roman Camp.

The final Tump was east of Auchterarder. I parked on an area of rough ground on the south side of the B8062 west of Pairney Farm and crossed a fence to enter a field containing sheep. I then climbed onto the west ridge of Thorney Hill, with a short steep section, then walked east through an open stock gate to the grassy summit. I also visited the nearby memorial cairn to a local shepherd.

  • Total time – 3 hours.
  • Total distance – 11 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 435 metres.