Cauldcleuch Head

I parked on the verge at the east side of the bridge over Billhope Burn on the single track unclassified road running between the A7 and the B6399 to the south of Cauldcleuch Head and walked back along the road, west, to the west side of a forestry plantation.

We crossed a fence and made a slight descent through reeds and some bog before commencing the ascent of Tudhope Hill. There was more wet ground to cross including an ATV track but the underfoot conditions improved as the gradient increased then sheep trails were followed towards the summit area. The trig point was located at a junction of fences but the highest point of this Tump was apparently 35 metres south-east of the trig.

After visiting this high point a stock fence and path led to the col with Millstone Edge but there was little trace of the path as we followed the fence to the summit of Millstone Edge. The highest point of this Tump appeared to be at a junction of fences. We continued to Langtae Hill then along its north-east ridge before the ascent of Cauldcleuch Head commenced still following fences although the vegetation was a bit rough on the final stretch. The summit of this Graham was at a junction of fences.

The descent to Muckle Land Knowe followed another fence until it turned south-east. Here we walked south-west and came across marker posts topped with faded blue paint and used them to descend to the vehicle track beside Billhope Burn through some long vegetation and traces of ATV tracks. The vehicle track was then followed back to the start.

  • Time taken – 4.5 hours.
  • Distance – 12 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 555 metres.