Carn a’ Bhainne, Eskdale Moor.

It was -8C as I drove through the village of Kiltarlity, south of Beauly, but only -6C when I arrived at the end of the public road accessed from the minor Kiltarlity to Culburnie Road and signposted Kinerras. I parked on the verge keeping the turning circle clear as per the sign. I was last here in September to climb a few of the hills around Loch Bruicheach but missed out the Tump, Carn a’ Bhainne (West) as including it would have made for a long day.

I walked south-west along the vehicle track past the Keepers Cottage to a locked gate in a deer fence with a kissing gate at the side to permit access on foot.

Start of track to Loch Neaty
Start of track to Loch Neaty

Beyond these gates the little used track rose gradually south-west through a wood consisting of a few young trees to a second set of gates. Once through this kissing gate I was into open moorland with the track levelling out as it ran alongside a deer fence containing electric wires.

Track continues through the wood
Track continues through the wood

As I approached a third set of gates the sun was rising from behind the hills and after this kissing gate the track descended to the Allt Garbh where stepping stones aided the crossing although a few of the boulders were icy.

Sun rising
Sun rising
Allt Garbh ford (taken on return)
Allt Garbh ford (taken on return)

The track then gained a bit of height before descending towards Loch Neaty where there was a further set of gates.

Across Loch Neaty to Carn Mor, Creag nan Calman and Carn an t-Slamain
Across Loch Neaty to Carn Mor, Creag nan Calman and Carn an t-Slamain

An old rough track ran briefly alongside the north side of the loch then the track began to gain height as it headed away from the lochside. I initially followed the track hoping it would head in my intended direction but it continued uphill.

Carn a' Bhainne (West)
Carn a’ Bhainne (West)
Towards Glen Cannich
Towards Glen Cannich

I descended through knee deep heather and dead bracken to the west end of Loch Neaty.

Loch Neaty and Carn a' Bhainne (East)
Loch Neaty and Carn a’ Bhainne (East)
Loch Neaty and Carn a' Bhainne (East)
Loch Neaty and Carn a’ Bhainne (East)

The inflow was wide and deep at this point so I wandered west until I found a suitable crossing point. It was then a steady climb south-west through a mixture of rough vegetation and ground with some ice.

Approaching summit of Carn a' Bhainne (West)
Approaching summit of Carn a’ Bhainne (West)

This took me onto Carn a’ Bhainne (West) where there were two possible highpoints. I thought the outcrop to the south may have been the highest.

Loch nam Faoileag
Loch nam Faoileag
Kintail Hills
Kintail Hills
Strathfarrar Hills
Strathfarrar Hills
Across Strath Glass
Across Strath Glass
Loch Bruicheach, Loch Garbh Bhreac and Loch Garbh Iolachan
Loch Bruicheach, Loch Garbh Bhreac and Loch Garbh Iolachan
Carn Mor
Carn Mor
Loch Neaty
Loch Neaty

The return was by the outward route except on reaching Loch Neaty I walked along its north shore, rough going in places with some ice but not too bad.

  • Time taken – 5.5 hours.
  • Distance 11 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 355 metres.