
From Callander I drove up the single track road passed the Bracklinn Falls to the start of the vehicle track which descended to the bridge over the Keltie Water where I left my vehicle. I then headed down this track, crossed the bridge, and followed the track as it headed north-east below Tom Dubh. On reaching the north side of Meall Leathan Dhail I came to a junction of tracks and took a right then higher up left this track, crossed a fence and some rough ground to reach the summit of this Tump although the high point wasn’t obvious.

I returned to the junction of tracks and descended north-west through rough vegetation and some wet ground before climbing to the summit of the Tump, Druim Meadhoin where the highpoint was obvious.

From there I continued north-west to the col with Druim nan Eilid before ascending this Tump where the summit again was obvious. On descending north I came across an ATV track, which was wet in places, and followed it north to the vehicle track east of Arivurichardich. This track was followed to this boarded up property then south to the new bridges over the Keltie Water and the Allt Breac-nic, passed Braeleny Farm to the start.

  • Time taken – 3.5 hours.
  • Distance – 12.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 460 metres.