
Meall Gorm – The start of the ascent of this Graham Top was the  car park often used to access the Munro, Creag Leacach, located on the east side of the A93 Braemar to Perth Road south of the Devil’s Elbow and the Cairnwell Ski Centre. There were already several vehicles parked there including a camper van and another arrived as I was preparing to set off.

Meall Gorm
Meall Gorm

The path descended to the stepping stones on the crossing of the Allt a’ Choire Sheiridh then a lesser used path was followed along the north side of the Allt Coire a’ Bhathaich where some landslips made things slightly awkward. At a junction of streams I crossed the Allt Coire a’ Bhathaich and its tributary then commenced the ascent of Meall Gorm. It was a steady climb on a mix of vegetation onto its south-east ridge then a short walk led to the rocky area marking the summit.

Glas Maol
Glas Maol
Creag Leacach
Creag Leacach
Gleann Beag
Gleann Beag
Carn Mor
Carn Mor
Carn a' Gheoidh and Carn nan Sac
Carn a’ Gheoidh and Carn nan Sac
Carn nan Sac and The Cairnwell
Carn nan Sac and The Cairnwell

It was windy but at least that kept the midges at bay so after a break I returned by the upward route.

Creag a’ Choire Dhirich and Carn Aosda North Top – I then drove to and parked at the Cairnwell Ski Centre. A steep climb on a vehicle track led to the octagonal building and ski lifts and there I left the track and headed up vegetated slopes between ski runs to the col between The Cairnwell and Carn Aosda.

Loch Vrotachan
Loch Vrotachan

On reaching this col I crossed a walker’s path and headed directly across more mixed vegetation onto the north-east ridge of the Sub Simm, Creag a’ Choire Dhirich, and to its summit.

The Cairnwell
The Cairnwell
Meall Gorm
Meall Gorm
Carn nan Sac
Carn nan Sac
Carn a' Gheoidh
Carn a’ Gheoidh
Carn Aosda
Carn Aosda

I then returned to the col and followed vehicle tracks onto Carn Aosda’s South-West Ridge where I left the track, walked round its West Top and descended to the col with Carn Aosda North Top. I then made the easy ascent onto the stony summit of this Sub Simm.

Carn Aosda North Top
Carn Aosda North Top

After a break sheltering from a strong cool breeze I returned to the vehicle tracks on Carn Aosda then descended across vegetation to the octagonal building and my car.

  • Total time – 4.75 hours.
  • Total distance – 11 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 785 metres.