Cairnpapple Hill and Arthur’s Seat

Cairnpapple Hill: Drove to Beecraigs Country Park, south of Linlithgow, then walked through the park, crossing a couple of minor roads to below the communications tower on Cairnpapple Hill. Thereafter a barbed wire fence was crossed before making the short climb to the summit of this Marilyn. The highest point was apparently five metres north-east of the trig point.

Towards the Pentland Hills
Towards the Pentland Hills
South from Cairnpapple Hill
South from Cairnpapple Hill
Communication Tower, Cairnpapple Hill
Communication Tower, Cairnpapple Hill
Towards Firth of Forth
Towards Firth of Forth

After a few minutes at the top we walked east to a minor road and used it briefly before returning by the outward route but with a diversion to climb the Tump, Cockleroy, with views of Linlithgow and the Forth Bridges.

Lochcote Reservoir
Lochcote Reservoir
Towards Falkirk and Grangemouth
Towards Falkirk and Grangemouth
Firth of Forth and the Bridges
Firth of Forth and the Bridges
Cairnpapple Hill
Cairnpapple Hill

Arthurs’ Seat: We left my car in the pay and display car park beside Edinburgh’s Palace of Holyrood House, crossed the road and headed along the path towards Arthur’s Seat.

Arthur's Seat
Arthur’s Seat

There was a choice of approach routes so we opted to head up Hunter’s Bog to Gutted Haddie. From there we climbed a zigzag path onto a grassy knoll then the final ascent across rocks to the summit of Arthur’s Seat.

Approaching Arthur's Seat
Approaching Arthur’s Seat

The highest point of this Marilyn was apparently a rock beside the trig point.

Edinburgh, Leith and Firth of Forth
Edinburgh, Leith and Firth of Forth
Holyrood Park, Edinburgh
Holyrood Park, Edinburgh
Edinburgh across Salisbury Crags
Edinburgh across Salisbury Crags
Holyrood Park and towards East Lothian
Holyrood Park and towards East Lothian
Holyrood Park and Dunsapie Loch
Holyrood Park and Dunsapie Loch
Edinburgh and Pentland Hills
Edinburgh and Pentland Hills
Summit area Arthur’S Seat

After spending some time at the summit we descended north, lower down joining the upward route, then headed back to the car park.

  • Total time taken – 4.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 12.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 550 metres.