
I parked at the end of the public road just beyond Glenmore Lodge, accessed from the Cairngorm Ski Road, and walked east along the vehicle track to An Lochan Uaine and the junction with the route to Ryvoan Bothy.

Start of walk
Start of walk
Track through Caledonian Pines. Creag nan Gall beyond
Track through Caledonian Pines. Creag nan Gall beyond
An Lochan Uaine
An Lochan Uaine

At this split in the track I headed along the route towards Strath Nethy but soon left the track and commenced the ascent of the Graham Top, Creag nan Gall.

Ryvoan Bothy and Abernethy Forest
Ryvoan Bothy and Abernethy Forest
Loch a'Gharbh-choire and Carn Bheadhair
Loch a’Gharbh-choire and Carn Bheadhair
Route through heather to Creag nan Gall
Route through heather to Creag nan Gall

It was tiring walking through the long heather then some soft mossy vegetation before more heather. Eventually I reached the summit cairn but it was too windy to hang about so I descended south following a path to locate some shelter behind a boulder for a short break.

Loch Morlich
Loch Morlich
Meall a'Bhuachaille
Meall a’Bhuachaille
Stac na h-Iolaire
Stac na h-Iolaire
Cnap Coire na Spreidhe, Cairn Gorm and Lurcher's Crag
Cnap Coire na Spreidhe, Cairn Gorm and Lurcher’s Crag
Chalamain Gap. Sgor Gaoith beyond
Chalamain Gap. Sgor Gaoith beyond

Afterwards I continued along this path which disappeared amongst some grassy vegetation in the region of the col with Stac na h-Iolaire. More long heather was encountered as I commenced the ascent of this Graham Top but the gradient soon eased a bit and the heather was then shorter and windblown. There were now good views of Bynack More, Cairn Gorm and Lurcher’s Crag.

Bynack Beg and Bynack More
Bynack Beg and Bynack More
Cnap Coire na Spreidhe. Beinn Mheadhoin beyond
Cnap Coire na Spreidhe. Beinn Mheadhoin beyond
Creag nan Gall and Meall a'Bhuachaille
Creag nan Gall and Meall a’Bhuachaille

The summit of Stac na h-Iolaire, positioned above some rocks, was reached and although marked by a cairn the highest point was apparently two metres to the north. From here I descended south-west and commenced the ascent of the Sub Simm, Carn Lochan na Beinne, where more long heather was crossed to reach its summit. There was a cairn but the ground seemed higher to the south.

I descended north-west initially on short heather but below Creag nan Gall and in particularly through the Caledonian Pine Trees it was tough going. Eventually I gained the track used earlier that day and followed it back to the start.

  • Time taken – 4.25 hours.
  • Distance – 10.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 530 metres.