
I parked at Forest Lodge, accessed along an un-tarred road from the unclassified Nethy Bridge to Tulloch Road, and descended north-east then south-east along a forest track crossing the bridge over the River Nethy. Beyond, at a junction of tracks, a path was followed south later crossing the Crom Allt and joining another path that came in from the left. This route was muddy in sections and was obviously used by mountain bikers. The path gradually gained a bit of height before reaching the vehicle track that ran east below the south side of Carn a’ Chnuic.

Some height was gained and lost as I walked east then above and round Loch a’ Chnuic to the ford on the Allt na h-Eirghe. Here I headed up the west side of this stream before leaving it and crossing heather and wet ground passing a couple of lochans. The ground then steepened and the ascent of Carn Bheadhair commenced. The heather was fairly long and there were a few gullies to avoid. It was a steady climb and higher up there were several boulder fields to work round before the gradient eased and I headed to the cairn marking the summit of this Hump. (also a Corbett Top)

I then descended south-east to the col with Carn Tarsuinn, avoiding some of the peat hags, before ascending this Sub Simm, the summit marked by a small shelter cairn. From there I headed off in a north-easterly direction crossing some tussocky and wet ground as well as more peat hags to reach the summit of the Sub Simm, Bile Buidhe, where the highest point wasn’t obvious.

The way off this hill was to the north crossing more rough ground to reach a quad vehicle trail then the vehicle track on the east side of the Allt na h-Eirghe. This track eventually led to the ford then I followed the outward route back to Forest Lodge.

  • Time taken – 6.25 hours.
  • Distance – 21.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 725 metres.