Cairn a Mount

I parked at the start of the forest track on the east side of the B974 Banchory to Fettercairn Road south of the Bridge of Dye at grid reference NO647852 and walked east up the forest track to the ‘T’ junction. I briefly headed north to locate a little used track that continued north-east through a fire break. Once beyond the trees there were a few animal trails to follow but it was mainly rough heather as I crossed Tire Beggar Hill onto Tipperweir, where the summit of this Tump was apparently beside a lone tree.

I descended SSE across more rough heather and some tussocky ground before climbing through similar conditions to the summit of Hill of Gothie where I visited a few clumps of heather as one was apparently the highest point of this Tump.

Thereafter I descended north across more rough ground to a wide break in the trees then briefly north-west before joining a forest track which took me back to the ‘T’ junction where I followed the upward route to the start.

  • Time taken – 4 hours.
  • Distance – 12.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 385 metres.