Beinn Odhar

I parked in the first lay-by on the west side of the A82 north of Tydrum, crossed the A82 and a barbed wire fence then some boggy ground to reach the West Highland Way. I followed it north to the bridges over a stream and railway line where I discovered a more suitable access route from A82 which I used on my return.

West Highland Way crossing a stream and railway line
West Highland Way crossing a stream and railway line

Here I left the West Highland Way and headed for the north side of the Crom Allt where I came across a grassy path not shown on my map.

Beinn Odhar
Beinn Odhar
Coire Thoin
Coire Thoin

The path initially followed the side of the stream before leaving it and zigzagging up the south-west ridge of Beinn Odhar. Higher up there were a few boggy sections and at times I lost the line of the path. However it made the ascent a lot easier and led to a junction of fences. By now I was in the low cloud. Some boulders were crossed before I made my way to the cairn marking the summit of the Corbett, Beinn Odhar.

From there I navigated south-east to the head of Coire Thoin then south along the grassy ridge to the col with Meall Buidhe where the ground was a bit wet and boggy.

Meall Buidhe
Meall Buidhe
Route off Beinn Odhar
Route off Beinn Odhar

It was then an easy climb to the summit of this Graham Top which was marked by a cairn.

I descended fairly steeply on grass to the forest edge then down its north side crossing a few wee streams then lower down the Crom Allt before returning to the start.

Strath Fillan
Strath Fillan
Descent route to and round edge of forest
Descent route to and round edge of forest
  • Time taken – 3.25 hours.
  • Distance – 7.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 685 metres.