Beinn na Lap

I boarded the Mallaig to Glasgow train at 0757 at Spean Bridge alighting at the remote Corrour Station just after 0830 along with a few other folks. Three were walking back to Spean Bridge while the other chap was destined for the Munro, Sgor Gaibhre.

It was misty as I set off along the estate track towards the hostel at Loch Ossian but with a bit of brightness to the south I was optimistic that the cloud would lift. Just before the hostel and at a junction of tracks I took a left losing a little height to reach a second junction where I again turned left this time onto the vehicle track that headed for Loch Treig and beyond.

The mist had cleared but low cloud was covering Loch Ossian. I soon left this track and commenced the ascent of Beinn na Lap. Initially the underfoot conditions were wet and boggy but improved later as height was gained.

Leum Uilleim
Leum Uilleim
Loch Ossian through the cloud
Loch Ossian through the cloud

There was a fog bow but I was having a problem with my camera so missed a photographic opportunity.

I climbed onto the south-west ridge of Beinn na Lap, named on the map as Ceann Caol Beinn na Lap, where there were traces of a walker’s path which later became more obvious.

Glen Coe Hills, Mamores, Ben Nevis and the Aonachs
Glen Coe Hills, Mamores, Ben Nevis and the Aonachs
Route to Beinn na Lap
Route to Beinn na Lap

Higher up the terrain was a bit stony but the rocks were best avoided as they were white with frost and a touch slippery. There were also a few small patches of old snow.

Loch Ossian and Ben Alder
Loch Ossian and Ben Alder
Loch Ossian, Sgor Gaibhre and Carn Dearg
Loch Ossian, Sgor Gaibhre and Carn Dearg
Loch Ossian and Meall na Lice
Loch Ossian and Meall na Lice

The cairn marking the summit of this Munro was reached with some good views of the surrounding mountains. I had fixed the problem with the camera and was able to take a few photos.

Stob Coire Sgriodain and Chno Dearg
Stob Coire Sgriodain and Chno Dearg
Glen Spean
Glen Spean
Beinn Eibhinn and Ben Alder
Beinn Eibhinn and Ben Alder
Black Mount and White Corries
Black Mount and White Corries
Glen Coe Hills, Mamores and Ben Nevis from summit of Beinn na Lap
Glen Coe Hills, Mamores and Ben Nevis from summit of Beinn na Lap
Ben Nevis, The Aonachs, Grey Corries and The Easains from summit of Beinn na Lap
Ben Nevis, The Aonachs, Grey Corries and The Easains from summit of Beinn na Lap

After a break sheltering behind the cairn from a cool breeze I returned to the track beside Loch Ossian by the ascent route as cloud formed around the mountain tops.

Loch Ossian Youth Hostel and Meall na Lice
Loch Ossian Youth Hostel and Meall na Lice

I had around three hours to wait until the next train headed north so I decided to climb the Hump, Meall na Lice. I walked past the Youth Hostel then along the track which led south to Lubnaclach. I soon left this track and commenced the ascent of Meall na Lice though long heather. On arriving at the summit cairn I was looking down onto Loch Ossian. Cloud still covered the higher tops but I wasn’t in a hurry so lingered here for a while.

East End Loch Ossian from Meall na Lice
East End Loch Ossian from Meall na Lice
Corrour from Meall na Lice
Corrour from Meall na Lice

The descent west was initially to avoid the cliffs before heading north to join the estate track on the south side of Loch Ossian.

West End Loch Ossian on descent of Meall na Lice
West End Loch Ossian on descent of Meall na Lice

I then ambled back to the Corrour Station arriving there around forty minutes before the 1524 train was due.

Corrour Station
Corrour Station
  • Time taken – 6.25 hours.
  • Distance – 15.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 770 metres.