Beinn Mhanach

I left my vehicle in the large car park adjacent to the access road to Achallader Farm, reached from the A82 Tyndrum to Glen Coe Road, north of Bridge of Orchy. I set off through an open stock gate where a sign indicated that it could be locked at any time, obviously to stop walkers using the old parking area beside the farm. Immediately beyond this gate a sign indicated the route to the hills but the path was blocked by a cow with others beyond.

Footpath blocked by cows
Footpath blocked by cows

As I had a dog with me I opted to give this route a miss and continued along the farm track where there were more cattle including a bull. I therefore left this track, crossed rough vegetation, and worked my way round a couple of knolls to avoid more cattle. Eventually I gained the wet and muddy path that led to a track just north of the bridge over the railway line.

Loch Tulla
Loch Tulla

 Once across this bridge the ground was wet and boggy so as others had done I kept to the right to avoid the worst of the conditions. Once clear of this area a path, rough and boggy in places, continued up the east side of the Allt Coire Achaladair where a new hydro dam had been constructed.

Dam, Allt Coire Achaladair. Coire Achaladair beyond
Dam, Allt Coire Achaladair. Coire Achaladair beyond

The path crossed a few side streams before I entered Coire Achaladair then a couple of tributaries as I continued into Coire Daingean.

Coire Daingean
Coire Daingean

On reaching the bealach between Beinn Achaladair and Beinn an Dothaidh I followed the mainly grassy path which ran below Beinn Achaladair gradually losing a bit of height.

Auch Corbetts
Auch Corbetts
Beinn Dorain
Beinn Dorain
Beinn an Dothaidh
Beinn an Dothaidh

The path later began to disappear so I descended to the wet and peaty col at the head of Gleann Cailliche.

Beinn Mhanach
Beinn Mhanach
Auch Gleann
Auch Gleann
Beinn Achaladair
Beinn Achaladair

Old fence posts doglegged its way to the col between Beinn a’ Chuirn and Beinn Mhanach but I made a more direct climb  to the col before ascending Beinn Mhanach where a cairn marked the summit of this Munro and where there was a very light covering of snow.

Summit, Beinn Mhanach
Summit, Beinn Mhanach
Towards Gleann Daimh
Towards Gleann Daimh
Towards Rannoch Moor
Towards Rannoch Moor
Creag Mhor
Creag Mhor
Beinn a' Chuirn. Beinn Dorain and Beinn an Dothaidh beyond
Beinn a’ Chuirn. Beinn Dorain and Beinn an Dothaidh beyond

The return was by the approach route encountering

  • Time taken – 8 hours.
  • Distance – 18.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1150 metres.