Beinn Iaruinn and Leana Mhor west of Glen Roy

I met a Graham Bagging friend and we drove up Glen Roy, accessed from Roybridge on the A86. I parked on the grass prior to the ruins at Brunachan (Grid Ref. NM314895) where there was space for a few cars.

The cloud was well down the hillside and there was a cold wind blowing as we set off across the road and commenced the steep ascent which was made slightly easier by following animal trails.

Start of ascent
Start of ascent
View back to the start
View back to the start

Later we entered the cloud then stayed close to the edge of a snow filled gully before crossing some burnt heather to reach Beinn Iaruinn’s North-East Ridge. Here there were lots of snow patches, some we were able to avoid, as we made the easy approach to Beinn Iaruinn East Top.

Grey Corries and Beinn Iaruinn as cloud lifts
Grey Corries and Beinn Iaruinn as cloud lifts

We were about to leave the summit of this Sub Simm when the cloud lifted enough to see the route ahead as well as some deer. After a slight loss of height the ground levelled out then we commenced the ascent of Beinn Iaruinn. There were lots of snow patches around but nothing requiring the use of crampons. In low cloud and wind we reached the cairn marking the summit of this Corbett.

Due to the unpleasant conditions there was no point in hanging around so we descended south-west and round the head of Coire nan Eun to the col with Leana Mhor and out of the cloud. There was a fence here so we kept to its east side thus avoiding its crossing. Spring had obviously arrived as we could hear and saw lots of frogs.

Route to Leana Mhor
Route to Leana Mhor
Mating frogs
Mating frogs
Beinn Iaruinn
Beinn Iaruinn
Upper Glen Roy
Upper Glen Roy

It was a steady climb on a pathless hillside to reach the cairn marking the summit of the Graham, Leana Mhor, which was in cloud. We sat at the top for a while listening to a Golden Plover and waiting for the cloud to clear which it did briefly giving us views across Glen Spean to the Easains, Grey Corries and Aonachs.

Beinn a' Mhonicag. Easains and Grey Corries beyond
Beinn a’ Mhonicag. Easains and Grey Corries beyond

The descent was via the ridge on the south side of Coire an t-Seilich and was mainly through heather.

Route off Leana Mhor
Route off Leana Mhor
Lower Glen Roy
Lower Glen Roy

A deer fence was crossed then an area of rough ground to reach a gate in the deer fence beside the road in Glen Roy, just south of the bridge over the stream flowing out of Coire an t-Seilich. It was then a short walk across this bridge to my walking partner’s car which had been left on the grass verge.

Coire an t-Seilich and Leana Mhor
Coire an t-Seilich and Leana Mhor
  • Time taken – 4.5 hours.
  • Distance 7.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed 800 metres.