Beinn Dearg

I arrived in the parking area at the Bridge of Tilt reached along the minor road from B8079 at the village of Blair Atholl. Once organised I set off on my bike along the tarred road to Old Blair then up the estate track on the west side of the Banavie Burn.

Start of cycle towards Old Blair
Start of cycle towards Old Blair
Banvie Burn
Banvie Burn

At a junction of tracks I crossed the bridge over this burn and continued up its east side and onto the open hillside.

Leaving forest
Leaving forest

The cycling involved a steady climb but I only pushed the bike a couple of times, once being at the crossing of the Allt na Moine Baine.

Beinn Dearg
Beinn Dearg
Glen Bruar to the left and in the distance
Glen Bruar to the left and in the distance
New Hydro Scheme in Glen Bruar
New Hydro Scheme in Glen Bruar

At the top of the brae leading to the Allt Scheicheachan Bothy I left my bike amongst the heather rather than pushing it uphill on the return. I walked down to the bothy where I had a snack sitting outside in the sun on one of the bothy chairs.

Allt Scheicheachan Bothy
Allt Scheicheachan Bothy

I later continued along the estate track which almost immediately crossed the Allt Sheicheachan and ran up its north side.

Head of the Allt Sheicheachan
Head of the Allt Sheicheachan

At a point where the track re-crossed the burn and headed south, a path, worn and eroded in sections, zigzagged up Beinn Dearg to a small cairn where the path turned left.

Looking back at approach route
Looking back at approach route
Beinn Dearg
Beinn Dearg

Despite a dry period of weather the next section of the path in places was wet and boggy until the path steepened to reach a small knoll. Beyond a wee dip, rocky ground was crossed to reach the summit trig point then the highest point of this Munro, a pointed boulder. Here I met a couple of females who had ascended from the bothy having slept there overnight.

Beinn Mheadhonach, Beinn a' Chait and towards Blair Atholl
Beinn Mheadhonach, Beinn a’ Chait and towards Blair Atholl
Beinn Mheadhonach, Carn a' Chlamain and Beinn a' Ghlo
Beinn Mheadhonach, Carn a’ Chlamain and Beinn a’ Ghlo
Cairngorms in the distance
Cairngorms in the distance
Beinn Gharbh and Beinn Bhreac
Beinn Gharbh and Beinn Bhreac
View west across Glen Bruar
View west across Glen Bruar
Towards Glen Garry
Towards Glen Garry

My return was by the ascent route stopping again to sit outside the bothy this time for lunch. On approaching the finish I opted to remain on the east side of the Banavie Burn thus avoiding the short climb out of Old Blair.

  • Time taken – 6.75 hours.
  • Distance – 32 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1080 metres.