Beinn Bhuidhe

I left my car in the parking area at the foot of Glen Fyne, just off the A83 Arrochar to Inveraray Road, and walked along the tarred road to the Clachan Power Station.

Start of walk
Start of walk
Glen Fyne and Newton Hill
Glen Fyne and Newton Hill

A hard core track continued through a quarry and to a stock gate then to a junction of tracks. Here I took a left and climbed fairly steeply to a locked gate in a deer fence. On climbing over the adjoining stile I entered Mark Park Wood where the track continued through the trees before emerging onto the open hillside. Here the gate was lying rotting at the side of the track which continued north-east to the west of Newton Hill.

View back to start and Loch Fyne
View back to start and Loch Fyne

There were a few new vehicle tracks here, one rose out of Glen Fyne and over Newton Hill while another headed north-west below Beinn Chas. The track I was on had been extended and eventually joined the one crossing Newton Hill and going round a hydro dam.

New Hydro Dam
New Hydro Dam

The track continued north-east before heading below some cliffs then ran north, steeply in places, with water courses on the right hand side feeding into the hydro system.  

New track leads to below Beinn Bhuidhe
New track leads to below Beinn Bhuidhe
River Fyne and Glen Fyne
River Fyne and Glen Fyne

I discovered that the track ran below Beinn Bhuidhe crossed the walker’s path from Inverchorachan.

Here I left this new vehicle track and followed the muddy and wet walker’s path to the foot of the north-east ridge of Beinn Bhuidhe. The path then headed through a gully which was badly eroded and in places a bit tricky, especially on the return. As I gained height I entered the cloud base and once on the ridge the path led to the cairn marking the summit of this Munro.

With no summit views I returned by the upward route meeting a few folks on the path heading for the top.

Ben Oss and Beinn Dubhchraig
Ben Oss and Beinn Dubhchraig
Creag Dhubh and Meall an Fhudair
Creag Dhubh and Meall an Fhudair
Across Glen Fyne to Maol Breac. Ben Vorlich in the distance
Across Glen Fyne to Maol Breac. Ben Vorlich in the distance
  • Time taken – 7 hours.
  • Distance – 18.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1175 metres.