Beinn Bhuidhe

I was staying with a group of friends in The Lodge at Doune on the west coast of the Knoydart Peninsula overlooking the Sleat Peninsula on the Isle of Skye and its Cuillin Range of mountains. Five members of the group planned a day’s kayaking at Arisaig while the rest of us, five in total, decided on a westerly traverse of the Corbett, Beinn Bhuidhe, taking in the Hump and Graham Top, Meall Bhasiter.

The kayakers were dropped off at Mallaig then we were conveyed up Loch Nevis to An Corr-eilean, west of the private pier at Camusrory, where we were taken ashore by dingy.

Start of walk from An Corr-eilean, Loch Nevis, and onto Meall Bhasiter
Start of walk from An Corr-eilean, Loch Nevis, and onto Meall Bhasiter

Initially the walking was over rough ground but after a bit of height gain there was some improvement in the underfoot conditions as we made our way towards the rocky south ridge of Meall Bhasiter.

Sgurr na Ciche and the head of Loch Nevis
Sgurr na Ciche and the head of Loch Nevis

The rest of the group took a more direct ascent to this hill while I worked my way round to its north-east side with a view of ascending the North Top. I later changed my mind as it involved a bit of descent and re-ascent so I just climbed Meall Bhasiter then re-joined the group before they reached the col at Mam Uchd.

Gleann Meadail towards Inverie Bay
Gleann Meadail towards Inverie Bay
Ben Aden and Sgurr na Ciche
Ben Aden and Sgurr na Ciche
Head of Loch Nevis. Sgurr na h-Aide and Bidein a' Chabair beyond
Head of Loch Nevis. Sgurr na h-Aide and Bidein a’ Chabair beyond
Meall Bhasiter
Meall Bhasiter
Beinn Bhuidhe
Beinn Bhuidhe

The route continued west with a final steep climb involving a bit of easy scrambling to reach the intermediate top, the Sub Simm, Sgurr an t-Sagairt, before gaining the summit of Beinn Bhuidhe where a rock beside the trig was the highest point.

Loch Nevis and The Narrows at Kylesknoydart. Loch Morar beyond
Loch Nevis and The Narrows at Kylesknoydart. Loch Morar beyond
Sgurr Coire nan Gobhar
Sgurr Coire nan Gobhar

It was then on towards Sgurr a’ Choire Ghuirm, which was by-passed to the south, followed by an ascent of Sgurr Coire nan Gobhar.

Sound of Sleat and moorland fire
Sound of Sleat and moorland fire
Ladhar Bheinn
Ladhar Bheinn
Meall Buidhe
Meall Buidhe
View back along ridge
View back along ridge
Lochs Bhraomisaig and Lagain Loisgte. Loch Nevis and Inverie Bay beyond
Lochs Bhraomisaig and Lagain Loisgte. Loch Nevis and Inverie Bay beyond

We had been advised that the easiest route off this Corbett Top was to continue west before descending to the gap between Lochs Bhraomisaig and Lagain Loisgte then down to the farm at Kilchoan which we did.

Sgurr Coire Choinnichean
Sgurr Coire Choinnichean

It was then a short walk to Inverie where we were collected by boat and returned to Doune.

Inverie Bay and Loch Nevis
Inverie Bay and Loch Nevis
  • Time taken – 6.25 hours.
  • Distance – 13.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 995 metres.