Beinn Bhreac, Moidart

I left my car beside a vehicle track at Blain, north of Acharacle on the A861 Lochailort to Salen Road, and walked north up this track which crossed the Blain Burn.

Path through forest
Path through forest

Beyond a rough path continued to Loch Blain and Lochan na Fola.

Loch Blain
Loch Blain
Lochan na Fola
Lochan na Fola

At a junction of paths I followed the one that headed north towards Loch Moidart. After gaining a bit of height I left the path and ascended the Marilyn, Beinn Bhreac, where the summit was marked by a cairn. There were good views of the Small Isles and Beinn Resipol.

Beinn Resipol and Loch Shiel
Beinn Resipol and Loch Shiel
Route from Loch Blain
Route from Loch Blain
Isle of Muck in the distance
Isle of Muck in the distance
Loch Moidart and Beinn a' Bhaillidh. Isles of Muck, Eigg and Rum beyond
Loch Moidart and Beinn a’ Bhaillidh. Isles of Muck, Eigg and Rum beyond
Loch Moidart, Eilean Shona and Shona Beag
Loch Moidart, Eilean Shona and Shona Beag
Loch Moidart and Glen Moidart
Loch Moidart and Glen Moidart
Towards South Channel
Towards South Channel

The return was by the approach route.

Beinn Bhreac
Beinn Bhreac
  • Time taken – 2.75 hours.
  • Distance – 6 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 300 metres.