Beinn Bhan

I parked at the start of the track leading to Inverskilavulin in Glen Loy, accessed from the B8004 Banavie to Gairlochy Road and walked towards this property which included holiday chalets.

Inverskilavulin, west side of Coire Mhuilinn
Inverskilavulin, west side of Coire Mhuilinn

At the access gate to this property signage indicated the route for hillwalkers which skirted the property to the west.

Entrance to Inverskilavulin. Signed path is to the left
Entrance to Inverskilavulin. Signed path is to the left

The path was obvious at first but not so as I passed through the chest high bracken which concealed the route and made for awkward walking.

View back through bracken to Inverskilavulin and the start
View back through bracken to Inverskilavulin and the start

As height was slowly gained the rain commenced. Higher up and clear of the bracken I entered the low cloud. On walking round Coire Mhuilinn the rain ceased and the cloud began to lift and I visited Beinn Bhan’s West Top, a Sub Simm.

Summit area, Beinn Bhan
Summit area, Beinn Bhan

I then continued to Beinn Bhan’s summit trig point where I took a break with views west along Loch Arkaig and down to Loch Lochy.

Loch Arkaig
Loch Arkaig
East end of Loch Arkaig and the Graham, Glas Bheinn
East end of Loch Arkaig and the Graham, Glas Bheinn
Loch Lochy
Loch Lochy
Fort William and Loch Linnhe
Fort William and Loch Linnhe
River Lochy, Caledonian Canal and Aonach Mor Ski Centre
River Lochy, Caledonian Canal and Aonach Mor Ski Centre
Glen Spean
Glen Spean
Graham, Stob a'Ghrianain
Graham, Stob a’Ghrianain

The descent south then south-west was across a mixture of vegetation until lower down where I located a path.

Descent route to Glen Loy
Descent route to Glen Loy
Coire Mhuilinn
Coire Mhuilinn

Again there was some chest high bracken to contend with before reaching the deer fence surrounding the property at Inverskilavulin. Signs showed the route to the west avoiding this property to rejoin the outward route and the short walk back to my car.

  • Time taken – 3.5 hours.
  • Distance – 8.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 785 metres.