Beinn Bhalgairean

On my previous visit to the Graham, Beinn Bhalgairean, I ascended it from Brackley Farm, so on this occasion I decided to climb it from Succoth Lodge. In 2008 this was the starting point for an ascent of the nearby Graham, Meall nan Gabhar. I drove along the forest track from the A85 Tyndrum to Dalmally Road at Corryghoil to Succoth Lodge where signs indicated that only authorised vehicles could continue further. I therefore parked at the side of the vehicle track opposite the bridge over the Eas a’ Ghaill.

Start of walk
Start of walk

We walked east along the vehicle track which ran below the railway bridge then the track zigzagged before passing under a line of pylons and continuing south. It was a gradual climb along the track until it turned back on itself. I read on the Scottish Hills web site that nearby there was a fire break, which was also used by quad vehicles, and this would take us out of the forest. We were a bit undecided where exactly this firebreak was but after several minutes exploring the area we headed up a gap in the trees although there was no evidence of its use by a quad vehicle. This gap led to a new section of forest track and after walking south-east for a few metres we spotted the firebreak, the start marked by a small cairn partially concealed by snow.

Track through firebreak
Track through firebreak

The firebreak had a few snow covered branches overhanging it but we were soon onto the open hillside where we continued to follow the snow covered quad vehicle tracks which later became a bit boggy and less obvious. However we could see the gate in the deer fence mentioned on Scottish Hills so just made a beeline for it. The gate wouldn’t open, probably due to the build up of snow so we climbed over it before heading for Beinn Bhalgairean.

The snow was now quite deep and soft and with the low cloud visibility wasn’t great although we were able see for a few hundred metres. A number of knolls were crossed or worked round until the summit came into view. While at the summit cairn we encountered a couple of short snow showers before returning by the ascent route.

Summit, Beinn Bhalgairean
Summit, Beinn Bhalgairean
  • Time taken – 4 hours.
  • Distance – 11 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 550 metres.