
Creag na Manachuinn: Parked at the forest entrance at Ruilick, north-west of Beauly, and walked along forest tracks. On approaching the summit of this Tump, left the vehicle track, crossed some brash, and passed through a few trees to reach the trig point. The return was by the ascent route.

Torr Breac: Located west of Beauly I parked at the side of the minor road west of Drumindorsair and walked briefly north along the tarred road where I met and spoke with the local farmer. It was then along a vehicle track which took me through the trees and onto the open hillside.  Later I left the track and crossed mainly heathery ground to reach the summit of the Tump, Torr Breac. The return was by the upward route.

Torr a’Bhealaidh and Creagan Soilleir: Parked in the lay-by on the A831 south-west of Beauly and opposite the Crask of Aigas. I crossed the road and walked up passed the houses there initially on a tarred road then a hard core surface. I later left this track, crossed a field and a ditch, to reach the forest edge where I located a vehicle track which I initially used but it was going in the wrong direction. I therefore climbed through the trees to the communication mast, the summit of the Tump, Torr a’Bhealaidh. Here I realised the track did wind its way to the top.

I headed down the track to a nearby cottage and beyond it left the track, crossed a gate, and entered another forest where I followed various paths and mountain bike trails to reach the East Top of Creagan Soilleir. A slight descent west to a dilapidated fence then a climb through the trees led to the summit of this Tump. I then returned to the vehicle track which was followed back to the start.

Bad a’Chlamhain: Left my car in the parking area for the Strath View Point on the A831 south-west of Beauly and followed the signposted route, briefly on a tarred road then along a vehicle track which zigzagged uphill. Higher up the condition of the track deteriorated being overgrown with gorse and a bit wet in places. I walked further than necessary before leaving the track, crossing some long heather to gain the summit of the Tump, Bad a’Chlamhain. The return was a more direct descent to the track before following it back to the start.

  • Total time – 5.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 18.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 870 metres.