
This was our final day based at Doune on the Knoydart Peninsula so the plan was take the boat around to Barrisdale, on Loch Hourn, where the choice of hills were the Graham, Slat Bheinn or the Corbett, Sgurr a’ Choire-bheithe.

Barrisdale Bay and Sgurr a' Choire-bheithe
Barrisdale Bay and Sgurr a’ Choire-bheithe

We all disembarked onto the rocks near Fraoch Eilean and walked south along the vehicle track passed Barrisdale House then the camp site and bothy where we split up. The Graham group left the track to head up Glen Barrisdale while I and five others continued along the track to beyond the White House. We then headed up Gleann Unndalain on a rougher vehicle track.

View back to Barrisdale and Loch Hourn
View back to Barrisdale and Loch Hourn
Route up Sgurr a' Choire-bheithe. Gleann Unndalain and Mam Unndalain to the right
Route up Sgurr a’ Choire-bheithe. Gleann Unndalain and Mam Unndalain to the right

Once passed the end of the deer fence we left the track and commenced the ascent of Sgurr a’ Choire-bheithe. It was a steady climb with a few steeper sections but eventually we reached the large cairn then it was onto the smaller cairn which marked the highest point of this Corbett.

Ben Aden and Sgurr na Ciche
Ben Aden and Sgurr na Ciche
Slat Bheinn. Sgurr nan Eugallt beyond
Slat Bheinn. Sgurr nan Eugallt beyond
Ladhar Bheinn and Loch Hourn
Ladhar Bheinn and Loch Hourn
An Caisteal, Meall nan Eun and Beinn Sgritheall
An Caisteal, Meall nan Eun and Beinn Sgritheall
Gleann Cosaidh, Druim Chosaidh and Loch Quoich
Gleann Cosaidh, Druim Chosaidh and Loch Quoich

We remained at the summit for some time taking in the tremendous views on what was another sunny day. Through binoculars I could see the other members of the group on Slat Bheinn.

Glen Carnach and Loch Nevis
Glen Carnach and Loch Nevis
Meall Buidhe and Luinne Bheinn
Meall Buidhe and Luinne Bheinn
Barrisdale and Loch Hourn
Barrisdale and Loch Hourn

The return was by the upward route meeting up with the Graham Group at Barrisdale Bothy. We continued to the end of the vehicle track where, due to the tide, we were collected by dingy from the nearby gravel beach before being transferred to our boat for the journey back to Doune.

  • Time taken – 6 hours.
  • Distance – 14 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1025 metres.