
I parked in the lay-by on the west side of the A83 Arrochar to Inveraray Road just north of Loch Restil, went over a crash barrier and descended to the loch’s outflow crossing it immediately above the Easan Dubh Falls and below the old dam.

Start of walk
Start of walk
Crossing point immediately above Easan Dubh Falls
Crossing point immediately above Easan Dubh Falls

A wet and boggy path led through the grass and onto Beinn an Lochain’s North-East Ridge and into the cloud.

The route however was obvious as the path was eroded with a few areas of exposed rock some of which could be avoided. There were a few steep sections and as well as a dip in the ridge where I lost some height. Other than that there wasn’t a lot to say about the ascent as I couldn’t see anything which was disappointing on such a fine hill.

High up I met a couple of single walkers on their descent. They mentioned a cloud inversion but there was no sign of it until just before the highpoint on this Corbett. It wasn’t a total inversion as I only briefly saw the hills to the east and nothing to the south other than white cloud. Ben Cruachan, Beinn Bhuidhe and Ben Nevis were occasionally visible.

Summit Beinn an Lochain
Summit Beinn an Lochain
Ben Cruachan
Ben Cruachan
Ben Nevis
Ben Nevis

I spent some time on the summit of Beinn an Lochain taking photos and waiting for the cloud to lift but it didn’t until I had left the top to return by the upward route.

Brocken Spectre
Brocken Spectre
View back towards summit of Beinn an Lochain
View back towards summit of Beinn an Lochain
Glen Kinglas
Glen Kinglas
Loch Restil, Rest and Be Thankful, Ben Donich and The Brack
Loch Restil, Rest and Be Thankful, Ben Donich and The Brack
  • Time taken – 4.5 hours.
  • Distance 4.75 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 670 metres.