Arnisdale Corbetts

I was residing with friends in the west and we decided to climb the Corbetts, Beinn nan Caorach and Beinn na h-Eaglaise from Glen Arnisdale. This entailed a scenic drive across the Bealach Ratagain, through the hamlets of Glenelg and Arnisdale, to the road end at Corran where there was a small car park.

Parking area Corran
Parking area Corran
Across Loch Hourn to Ladhar Bheinn
Across Loch Hourn to Ladhar Bheinn
Loch Hourn and towards Isle of Skye
Loch Hourn and towards Isle of Skye
Beinn Sgritheall from near Corran
Beinn Sgritheall from near Corran

Once booted up we walked back along the tarred road for around two hundred metres then followed the vehicle track on the north side of the River Arnisdale, where the crofter was feeding his Highland cattle.

River Arnisdale and Highland Cattle
River Arnisdale and Highland Cattle

Prior to reaching the bridge over the River Arnisdale we crossed a field of rough grazing then a rusty footbridge to join the estate track on the east side of the Allt Utha. This track then zigzagged to above the Eas na Cuingid (waterfall) where we crossed the stream and commenced the ascent of Beinn nan Caorach.

Beinn na h-Eaglaise
Beinn na h-Eaglaise
Glen Arnisdale, Loch Hourn and Ladhar Bheinn
Glen Arnisdale, Loch Hourn and Ladhar Bheinn

It was a steady climb with a few rocks to avoid and as height was gained more snow capped hills came into view. The summit cairn was reached and here there was a cool breeze.

Beinn na h-Eaglasie and Beinn Sgritheall
Beinn na h-Eaglasie and Beinn Sgritheall
Beinn a' Chapuill and Kylerhea Corbetts
Beinn a’ Chapuill and Kylerhea Corbetts
Beinn Clachach
Beinn Clachach

After taking a few photographs we descended north over some rocky ground before heading north-west to the Bealach Dhruim nam Bo.  We then wandered round the head of Coire Dhruim nam Bo, avoiding the summit of Druim nam Bo, to reach the col below Beinn na h-Eaglaise.

Route onto Beinn na h-Eaglaise
Route onto Beinn na h-Eaglaise

It was another steady climb this time following the line of old metal fence posts to reach the cairn marking the summit of Beinn na h-Eaglaise. While taking in the views we spotted a white tailed eagle, unfortunately I was unable to photograph it.

Bealach Arnasdail and Beinn Sgritheall East Top
Bealach Arnasdail and Beinn Sgritheall East Top
Beinn nan Caorach from Beinn na h-Eaglaise
Beinn nan Caorach from Beinn na h-Eaglaise
Beinn Bhuidhe
Beinn Bhuidhe
Corran, Loch Hourn, Ladhar Bheinn and Beinn na Caillich
Corran, Loch Hourn, Ladhar Bheinn and Beinn na Caillich
Loch Hourn and Beinn Sgritheall
Loch Hourn and Beinn Sgritheall

We descended south-east to Beinn Bhuidhe then more steeply south to re-join the vehicle track west of the bridge over the River Arnisdale.

Eas na Cuingid and zigzag path used earlier
Eas na Cuingid and zigzag path used earlier

This track was then followed back to the start passing the Highland cattle.

Highland Bull Calf
Highland Bull Calf
  • Time taken – 6.25 hours.
  • Distance – 12.5 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1090 metres.