
Cruach an Fhearainn Duibh – Parked in the lay-by at the west side of the A830 Lochailort to Arisaig Road south of Arnipol and walked south-west across the Ardnish Peninsula along a wet, boggy, rough and undulating path. On reaching Loch Doir a’ Ghearrain climbed the Tump, Cruach an Fhearainn Duibh. Due to the wet and windy weather returned by the approach route.

Kinsadel Hill and Torr Lochan a’ Chleirich – Later I set out from Tougal, located to the west of the A830 Arisaig to Mallaig Road and walked east along the single track B8008. I went through the A830 underpass then continued along the B8008 towards the village of Morar. Prior to the railway viaduct I passed through a gate and immediately thereafter commenced the ascent of Kinsadel Hill. Initially it was very boggy but the conditions improved slightly before reaching the summit of this Tump.

I descended south then climbed through dead bracken to reach the summit of the Tump, Torr Lochan a’ Chleirich. Thereafter I returned over the west shoulder of Kinsadel Hill to the B8008 before heading back to the start.

  • Total time 4.25 taken – 4.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 11.25 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 505 metres.