
This was to be a longish day so an early start was required for the circuit of Coire an Iubhair. I parked beside an old section of the A861 Ardgour to Strotian Road beside the bridge over the Abhainn Coire an Iubhair and set off along the path on the east side of this stream. I soon came to an old stock fence and here left the path and commenced the ascent north-east onto the Druim an Iubhair Ridge. This took me through rough vegetation as well as rocks on a fairly steep gradient.

Route onto Druim an Iubhair
Route onto Druim an Iubhair
Beinn Bheag West Top and Beinn Bheag
Beinn Bheag West Top and Beinn Bheag

Once on this twisted ridge the walking became easier for a while before the gradient steepened and I climbed to the summit of the Graham, Sgorr Mhic Eachama.

Loch Linnhe and Island of Lismore
Loch Linnhe and Island of Lismore
Route onto Sgorr Mhic Eachama
Route onto Sgorr Mhic Eachama

From there it was a long descent to the Bealach nan Aingidh followed by a steady climb to the summit of the Graham, Beinn Bheag.

Sron a' Choire Mhoir and Garbh Bheinn
Sron a’ Choire Mhoir and Garbh Bheinn
Beinn Bheag West Top
Beinn Bheag West Top

I then descended west to the col with Beinn Bheag West Top before ascending this Graham Top and walking along the ridge to its highest point. The route continued west then north-west along the ridge before descending steeply to the Bealach Feith ‘n Amean at the head of Coire an Iubhair. On this descent I was able to view the next section on this circuit, the steep climb onto the Corbett, Garbh Bheinn.

Route onto Garbh Bheinn
Route onto Garbh Bheinn
Loch Sunart
Loch Sunart

Keeping to the left hand side of the gully I climbed through grassy vegetation and a few rocks with a couple of easy scrambles to reach a corrie to the north-west of Garbh Bheinn. More grass and rock were crossed as I headed to just north of Grabh Bheinn where I took a slight diversion to climb Sron Lag nam Gamha.

Beinn Resipol
Beinn Resipol
Isles of Eigg and Rum in the distance
Isles of Eigg and Rum in the distance

I then returned to the col with Garbh Bheinn before climbing across large boulders to its summit cairn and rock.

Route onto summit of Garbh Bheinn
Route onto summit of Garbh Bheinn

Here I stopped for a break taking in the views which included across to my next top where I spotted some walkers, the only folks I saw all day.

Fuar Bheinn and Cruach Bheinn
Fuar Bheinn and Cruach Bheinn
Sron a' Gharbh Choire Mhoir and Loch Linnhe
Sron a’ Gharbh Choire Mhoir and Loch Linnhe
Ballachulish Bridge and Loch Leven - zoomed
Ballachulish Bridge and Loch Leven – zoomed
Ben Nevis - zoomed
Ben Nevis – zoomed

Afterwards I located the path that led to the col with Sron a’ Ghairbh Choire Mhoir meeting the folks I saw earlier. I ascended this Corbett Top then it was a long descent south-east, across a mixture of vegetation and rocks. Low down a boggy area was crossed before I returned to my car.

  • Time taken – 7.75 hours.
  • Distance – 13 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 1370 metres.