
The first hill today was Ginshot Hill also called King’s Seat. I left my vehicle in the car park at Rossie School, south-west of Montrose, and walked around 30 metres to the knoll within the beech wood, the summit of this Tump.

The next Tump, Seafield Hill, was located north-east of Arbroath with its high point close to the road. I parked at the side of this minor road and walked along the edge of it as well as the adjoining field to ensure I had reached the summit.

South-west of Inverkeilor was Kinblethmont Hill. I parked beside Mains of Kinblethmont, walked along a tarred road, then a vehicle track before entering a stubble field where the summit of this Tump was located.

North-west of Inverkeilor was the Tump, Wuddy Law. I left my car beside the access track to Easter Braikie and walked briefly along the road, entered and crossed a stubble field, then a short section of a ploughed field to reach the summit trig point.

I then drove to north-west of Friockheim and parked on the verge south of Hilton Farm. I crossed a stubble field then a tied down gate to reach some long rough vegetation and the trig point. The high point of the Tump, Guthrie Hill, was a further 25 metres to the south.

To the east of Forfar was Dunnichen Hill. I parked at the side of the minor road to the west, crossed several gates beside a farm building then walked along a vehicle track. This took me through a couple of fields and close to the summit of this Hump, which was either in the field or the adjoining wood where the trees were well spaced.

To the north-west of the above Hump was Green Hill. I left my vehicle beside the entrance to business premises to the south-east of this Tump and walked north along the road then entered a wood where a vehicle track led to an enclosure. I gained access to this enclosure via a hatch in the upper section of a deer fence then wandered through wild vegetation and a few young trees to reach the summit knoll

South-east of Forfar was the Tump, West Hills. I parked on the minor road to the south then entered and crossed a muddy field to reach the trig point.

Within the town of Forfar was the Tump, Balmashanner Hill. I parked in Lour Road and walked up the track to the summit monument which I walked round before returning to the start.

The final Tump of the day was Hill of Finavon to the north-east of Forfar. I parked near the high point on a narrow single track road to the north-east and crossed a padlocked gate and walked south-west along a vehicle track passed an occupied house, some lochans and a wood. I then left this track, crossed a couple of gates and headed up the edge of a field and an electric fence which I managed to cross on reaching a junction of fences. I then walked along the edge of a stock fence containing an electric wire to the grassy summit.

I returned to beyond the house, crossed some wet ground and climbed through bracken and broom to an enclosure. Once over this high fence I worked my way through long grass, heather and some young trees to reach Hill of Finavon East Top. I visited a few spots including an old enclosure to ensure I had reached the summit of this uncategorised hill. I then descended to a locked gate in the high fence and once over it followed a couple of vehicle tracks back to the start.

  • Total time – 3.25 hours.
  • Total distance – 10.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 345 metres.