An Cliseam, Isle of Harris

I met a couple of friends in Tarbert on the Isle of Lewis, then we drove north on the A859 Stornoway Road to the bridge over the Abhainn Mharaig where there was parking on the old carriageway and bridge.

Start of walk
Start of walk

In low cloud we set off along a muddy path on the south side of the Abhainn Mharaig before crossing one its tributaries and heading onto then up An Cliseam’s south-east ridge. There was a path which we lost at times then higher up the ridge narrowed before reaching the cairn marking the summit of this Corbett.

Summit, An Cliseam
Summit, An Cliseam

Due to the low cloud there was nothing to see so we returned by the upward route although lower down the cloud began to break up and lift so at least it allowed us some views.

Loch Seaforth
Loch Seaforth
Loch Seaforth, Todun and Lochan nan Lacasdeil
Loch Seaforth, Todun and Lochan nan Lacasdeil
Sgaoth Aird and Sgaoth Iosal
Sgaoth Aird and Sgaoth Iosal
View back to An Cliseam
View back to An Cliseam
  • Time taken – 3.75 hours.
  • Distance – 5.25 kilometres.
  • Height climbed – 655 metres.