
Hill of Airlie – This Tump was located to the north-east of Alford. I parked on the east side of the unclassified road between Old and North Keig to the west of the hill. I then entered the trees and followed animal trails round fallen timber and gorse bushes. This took me to near the summit where a short walk across an old stone dyke and through bracken led me to the summit cairn. The return was by the upward route.

Millhockie Hill – Parked opposite the private road leading to South Warrackston on the unclassified road, Old Military Road, north of Bridge of Alford, and walked east down this road, passed the house, through a couple of gates and across a small stream. I then followed the vehicle track that zigzagged south-east then north-east to its high point Here I crossed a barbed wire fence, went through some gorse and onto the open hillside and to this Tumps summit cairn. I then discovered a vehicle track which avoided the gorse but not the crossing of the barbed wire fence before returning by the ascent route.

Cairnballoch – On the unclassified road south of Alford and east of this Tump an access road led to the communication towers on Cairnballoch. I parked at the start of this access road and walked up it, round a high metal gate and passed a large barn. I remained on the track until I reached the highest of the towers then for 100 metres or so walked through weeds to Cairnballoch’s highest point. I returned by the upward route.

Carnaveron Hill – This Tump was also located south of Alford and south of the previous hill. I parked in a passing place on the unclassified road to its east beside some rusty stock gates at the access road to Oldtown of Carnaveron. I crossed these gates, climbed through well spaced trees keeping a lookout for cattle that obviously frequented the area, and onto the open hillside. The summit of Carnaveron Hill was located beside gorse bushes. I then returned by the upward route without meeting any cows.

  • Total time – 1.5 hours.
  • Total distance – 5.75 kilometres.
  • Total height climbed – 275 metres.