Pressendye From Pett Farm

I hadn’t been home long from climbing a few Tumps near Blair Atholl when I received a message from a hill walking friend who asked if I wanted to join him and his wife on an ascent of the Graham, Pressendye. It was a surprise to receive such an invite[…]

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Circuit of Loch Moraig

The drive south on the A9 from Inverness was fairly quiet, it being an early Sunday morning. South of Aviemore there were great views of the Alpenglow on the snow capped mountains then south of Drummochter the glare from the sun on the damp road was blinding. At Bruar I[…]

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Hills North Of Glen Moriston

I was in Glen Moriston to climb some of the hills in and around the Bhlaraidh Wind Farm. I left my car on the south verge of the A887 Invermoriston to Bun Loyne Road just west of the Allt Bhlaraidh and walked east to the road giving access to the[…]

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