East of The Aonach Eagach

Note – Due to a fault with the camera lens all photos are taken with a zoom lens. I left my vehicle in the car park on the south side of the A82, east of the Pass of Glencoe, usually used by those climbing Buachaille Etive Beag as well as[…]

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Glen Gloy and Mile Dorcha

While looking for hills to climb it was a requirement to find ones that didn’t need a stream crossing as the previous couple of days consisted of heavy rain and flooding. Torr a’ Challtuinn – The starting point for this walk was Glen Gloy, a glen I hadn’t visited before,[…]

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Strathaird, Isle of Skye

Nead an Fhior-eoin – This hill was located in the Strathaird district on the Isle of Skye and was positioned on the west side of the B8083 Broadford to Elgol Road. Parking at my planned starting point, the east entrance to Strathaird House wasn’t possible, so I parked opposite the[…]

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North and South-West of Lochcarron

Glas Bheinn and Creag na h-Iolaire – I left my vehicle in the car park at Kirkton on the south side of the A896 just east of Lochcarron, crossed the road and walked along a track signposted ‘Kishorn Road via Kirkton Wood’, which took me towards a cottage and the[…]

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Ceann Caol Druim a’ Bhidh, Kyleakin

It was a wet and windy morning so I held off until after lunch to venture across the Skye Bridge to Kyleakin. At the roundabout on the A87 at the south side of the bridge I drove south on Old Kirk Farm Road to its end and parked amongst resident’s[…]

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West of Lochcarron

Cnoc Lochcarron, Cnoc Loch a’ Choire Leith, The Black Mares Rock and Sithean Uaine – I parked my car beside the cattle grid on the A896 Lochcarron to Shieldaig Road (NG893401) and walked west across pathless vegetation consisting of heather, grass and moss gradually gaining height. I soon reached the[…]

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Hills East of Strath Glass

I parked on the grass verge beside the turning circle at the end of the minor road signposted Kinerras and accessed from the unclassified Kiltarlity to Culburnie Road, south-west of Beauly. I then walked south-west along a vehicle track passed Keepers Cottage. Beyond the track was little used and after[…]

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West of Lairg

Around Achany Wind Farm – I parked at the entrance to the Achany Wind Farm, located on the north side of the A839 Lairg to Rosehill Road at NC537023. I then passed through the pedestrian gate in a deer fence, the main gate being locked by several padlocks. A vehicle[…]

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Hills Around Galashiels and Stow

Lauder Common – It was a fine Sunday morning when I arrived at the highpoint on the B6362 Lauder to Stow Road where there was ample off road parking. A few dog walkers were out early taking advantage of the sunny conditions. On leaving my car I walked north and[…]

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