West of Glen Feshie

Overnight snow and ice made for a slow drive to the minor road on the west side of Glen Feshie, accessed from the B970 Aviemore to Kingussie Road west of Feshiebridge. North of this road end at Balnascriten I parked at the start of the vehicle track running south-west along[…]

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A Tump Not Too Farr

A windy day was forecasted with some blustery showers and these were the conditions I encountered when I parked beside the bridge over the Allt Beag, located on the minor road connecting the B851 near Newton of Farr in Strath Nairn to the unclassified road in Strath Dearn. On the[…]

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South of Cawdor

I had one remaining Tump still to climb in the Inverness to Strathspey Section (9A) which was located to the south of Cawdor. This village was reached from the A96 Inverness to Nairn Road then along some minor snow and ice covered roads to the road leading to Ruallan and[…]

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A Chilly Glen Moriston

Driving south on the A82 from Inverness the temperature steadily dropped with -9C at Drumnadrochit and on the A887 at Dundreggan, west of Invermoriston, -12C. I left my vehicle in the car park at the Dundreggan Rewilding Centre and walked round the rear of the building, through a wicket gate,[…]

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Carn a’ Bhainne, Eskdale Moor.

It was -8C as I drove through the village of Kiltarlity, south of Beauly, but only -6C when I arrived at the end of the public road accessed from the minor Kiltarlity to Culburnie Road and signposted Kinerras. I parked on the verge keeping the turning circle clear as per[…]

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Carnachie, South of Dallas, Moray

I parked my car beside the start of the private road leading to Auchness Farm, reached along minor snow and ice covered roads south from the village of Dallas in Moray. My map showed that the public road went to the farm but a sign indicated otherwise but In any[…]

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