Deleted Tump near Dulnain Bridge

This was just a short walk to take in a minor top. From Dulnain Bridge on the A938, I drove north then north-west along the single track road to its end, the turning circle east of Balnuick Farm, where I managed to get my vehicle onto the verge. I walked[…]

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South-East of Strath Errick

I drove south-west through Strath Errick, to the east of Loch Ness, and at the south end of Loch Mhor continued south-east along the minor road to Garthbeg where there appeared to be no objection to parking at the end of the public road. I walked towards the gates giving[…]

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Strath Dearn

Accessing the hills to the south-east of Coignascallan, in Strath Dearn, is a bit problematic as it involves a river crossing and potentially wet feet although there is a bridge at Dalmigavie Lodge but it is several kilometres away. I suspected that after a recent dry spell of weather it[…]

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Graham, Slat Bheinn from the North

Slat Bheinn is an awkwardly placed Graham located between Lochs Hourn and Loch Quoich (now Cuaich on the map) with approach options including from Barrisdale to the west or Loch Quoich to the east. However I opted to climb it from the north but this involved a considerable loss of[…]

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