Graham Tops West of White Bridge

The start of this walk was the Linn of Dee located west of Braemar, which was a couple of miles west of Inverey, the starting point for my walk the previous Sunday. I parked at the side of the road east of the bridge over the River Dee (there is[…]

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Hills South of Inverey, Aberdeenshire

I hadn’t climbed the Corbett Top, Carn Bhac South Top, located to the south-west of Braemar, probably because it is awkwardly placed to the south of the Munro, Carn Bhac. I looked at a couple of approach routes but settled for a circular walk starting at Inverey, west of Braemar,[…]

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Glen Lee, Angus

I had one categorised hill located between Glens Lee and Clova in Angus unclimbed so opted to ascend it from the north combining it with Cairn Lick which I had climbed back in 2005. I set off from the free car park at the head of Glen Esk, reached from[…]

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