Beinn Dubhcharaidh Dunmaglass Estate

The start of this walk was the access road to Dunmaglass Estate, south of Strathnairn. I parked beside the telephone kiosk at the junction of the B851 Farr to Errogie Road with the minor road leading to Abersky, then walked briefly west along the B851 to the access road. I[…]

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Graham Top Beinn a’ Chairein Cannich

I drove north-west up the single track road from the A831 at Cannich and parked at the entrance to the forest track at grid ref. NH325317. I then set off south-west along this forest track, part of the Glen Affric/Kintail Way, to a junction of tracks. Here I decided to[…]

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Graham Top Meall Giubhais Strathconon

With a fine day forecasted I decided on another outing to Strathconon, reached along a single track road from the A832 at Marybank. On this occasion I decided to head south-west of Milton where immediately beyond a converted church there was apparently a footbridge across the River Meig. (Grid Ref.[…]

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Tump Dunain Hill Inverness

I left my vehicle in the car park at the Sports Centre beside Bught Park in Inverness. The Centre was closed due to the Corona Virus restrictions so there were loads of spaces in the car park. I crossed the new Link Road, the A82, and the Tomnahurich Swing Bridge[…]

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Hills Mullardoch and Tomich

Creag a’ Bhaca – I drove from the A831 at Cannich Village along the single track road through Glen Cannich to the Mullardoch Dam with the intention of parking at its south side. However access to the parking area shown on the map wasn’t possible as there was a gate[…]

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Graham Tops from Glen Kyllachy

I headed to Glen Kyllachy reached along the narrow single track road that runs from Farr in Strathnairn to Garbole in Strathdearn, known locally as the Garbole Road, parking at the start of the vehicle track at grid reference NH725262. On setting off I walked round a locked barrier then[…]

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Marilyns Ben Griam Mor and Ben Griam Beg

The start for the ascents of The Griams was the B871 Kinbrace to Bettyhill Road, south of the Garvault Hotel, apparently the remotest hotel in mainland Britain. I left my vehicle in a small quarry immediately south of the vehicle track leading to Loch Coire nam Mang and walked north[…]

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Humps in Strath Bran and Garve

Meallan Odhar – I left my car on the south verge of the A832 Garve to Achnasheen Road immediately south-west of the Strathbran Plantation, although the majority of the trees had been felled. (Grid Ref. NH199599) I then crossed the road and walked up a short section of tarred road[…]

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Black Isle Tumps

Cnoc na h-Eireachd: This Tump was located south of the A9 Inverness to Tore dual carriageway and north-west of the village of North Keswick. I left my car on the verge of the minor road beside Craigrory and walked a short distance back along the road to a stile. This[…]

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