
I was staying with friends in Edinburgh and the lady of the household was planning an early morning dog walk on the Braid Hills. We met with her dog walking friends at the entrance to the Park and climbed to the trig point then onto the high point of this[…]

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With some friends we headed to west of Dolphinton and parked at the side of the minor road just west of Croft-an-Righ. We passed through a couple of gates, crossed a field containing sheep then followed a vehicle track south-west below White Hill. After gaining some height the track continued[…]

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The plan was to climb four of the Tyndrum Corbetts on a linear walk using two cars. We parked on the access road leading to Auk Farm and walked north-east up Gleann Achadh-innis Chailein crossing the Allt Coralan via a bridge which replaced the old ford. This track led to[…]

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I was staying with friends in Edinburgh so we headed down the A70 to the small car park on the east side of the road to the south of Little Vantage.  From here we walked south along the Cross Borders Drove Road on a path that was rather wet and[…]

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The plan was to combine three of the Corbetts and a Graham in the Fisherfield area on a backpacking trip. On the first day, 2 August 2019, I set off from the bridge over the Gruinard River on the A832 Braemore Junction to Poolewe Road along the vehicle track on[…]

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Glen Nochty

North-west of Bellabeg in Strath Don is Glen Nochty and here I left my car on an area of waste ground, east of Firs Cottage. I then walked west along the untarred road on the north side of Water of Nochty to Tolduquhill where a small diversion took me round[…]

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I parked in the Donview Car Park to the south of Bennachie Forest and on the north side of the River Don then walked along paths and tracks round the south, west and north sides of Millstone Hill. From the north-east side of this Marilyn a path led to its[…]

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Strath Rannoch

We parked near the start of the vehicle track in Strath Rannoch, accessed from the A835 Garve to Braemore Junction Road, near Inchbae Lodge, where there was space for around three vehicles. We then walked up this vehicle track, which appeared little used these days, through the forest in Strath[…]

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The starting point for the ascent of the Graham, Beinn nan Ramh, was the A832 Garve to Achnasheen Road just west of Dosmuckeran (NH199599) where I parked on the verge. A vehicle track headed north but a gate in the deer fence was locked with numerous padlocks. Immediately to the[…]

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I was heading to the North-West so en-route stopped off to climb the uncategorised hill Tom Garbh-bheinn.  I parked on the south side of A939 west of Well of Lecht where tree harvesting had commenced. The route initially took me south along an estate road but I soon left it[…]

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