Glen Buchat

Millhuie Hill: I left my car on the north verge of the A944 Alford to Strathdon Road at the start of the unclassified road leading to Glen Buchat and briefly walked north-west along the minor road. I then crossed a fence entered a field, containing sheep, and commenced the ascent[…]

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Glen Esk

I drove up Glen Esk, in Angus, to north of Waggles, where I managed to get my car off the road beside a set of double gates at the entrance to an area recently planted with trees. I walked briefly north to the start of the vehicle track that led[…]

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The plan was to climb the Corbett, Beinn Bhreac-liath, from the A82 north of Tyndrum, and to include the Graham Top, Beinn Bheag. Strath Fillan and Tyndrum were engulfed in low cloud but just north of the village and after the council boundary the skies cleared. Around 100 metres further[…]

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Glen Arklet

On parking in the RSPB car park at the rear of the properties at Garrison, located just beyond the west end of Loch Arklet and accessed from Aberfoyle, I was approached by a friendly chap who enquired where I was headed. I explained to him I was planning on climbing[…]

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