
Carn Ruigh Chorrach and Craig Tiribeg: We left my car on the minor road that runs between the A939 Nairn to Grantown of Spey Road and the B9007 Forres to Carrbridge Road at the south end of the trees surrounding Lochindorb Lodge. We then crossed the road and walked along[…]

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Beinn Lochain

The start of this walk was Lettermay, south-west of the village of Lochgoilhead, on the west side of Loch Goil. We left the car just off the single track road at the start of the vehicle track leading to the houses at Lettermay then walked passed these houses and onto[…]

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Beinn Maol Chaluim

I climbed this Corbett from Glen Etive, accessed from the A82 in Glen Coe, parking on an area of rough ground at the west side of the road north of Invercharnan at a gap between forests. (Grid Ref. NN148493). From there I ascended steeply north-west through rough vegetation onto the[…]

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Earlier in the day I climbed the Marilyn, Beinn Churalain in wet and misty weather but with an improvement in the conditions I was joined by a fellow resident of the self catering accommodation we were staying at in Ballachulish for an ascent of Am Meall. We parked in the[…]

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I parked at the side of the road east of the roundabout at Creagan on the A828 Glencoe to Connel Road and walked a short distance uphill on the unclassified road to Glen Creran where I had spotted a vehicle track while looking for a suitable starting point. Once over[…]

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Gleann Leac na Muidhe

I parked in an area of rough ground on the north side of the A82 just east of Achnacon in Glen Coe. It was fairly early so the traffic on the main road was light as I walked west, unlike on my return when crossing the bridge over the Allt[…]

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Loch Leven North

The plan was to climb the Corbett, Mam na Gualainn, on an east to west traverse starting from the B863 on the western outskirts of Kinlochmore at the head of Loch Leven. I obtained a lift to the start from some hill walking friends who were headed to the Mamore[…]

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Loch Leven South

I parked on rough ground on the north side of the B863 Glencoe Village to Kinlochleven Road immediately west of the bridge over the Allt Gleann a’ Chaolais on the south side of Loch Leven. Once geared up we crossed this bridge then found the start of the rough and[…]

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Strath of Appin

I parked in the cemetery car park at Kinlochlaich, located on the north side of the A828 Glencoe to Connel Road at the Strath of Appin, then walked across a cattle grid and headed east towards the farm en-route meeting the farmer’s wife in her car. She advised us that[…]

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East of The Mamores

We left our vehicles in the Grey Mare’s Tail Car Park in Kinlochmore at the head of Loch Leven and walked up the path on the south-east side of a tributary of the Allt a’ Chumhainn where there were a number of paths through the trees some more worn and[…]

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