Ardverikie Munros

It was raining lightly as I pulled into the lay-by on the south side of the A86 Kingussie to Spean Bridge Road, east of Moy and the bridge over the River Spean. There were a few vehicles already parked there, some possibly overnight. Once geared up in waterproofs I set[…]

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Sgurr a’ Mhaoraich

I drove west on the single track road along the north shore of Loch Garry then Loch Quoich, accessed from the A87 Invergarry to Bun Loyne Road. I parked on the south side of this road, south-west of the bridge over the northern extension of Loch Quoich, and opposite a[…]

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Carn Mairg Group of Munros

Just after 5am I arrived in the small car park at Invervar, in Glen Lyon, reached from the B846 at Coshieville, and not surprisingly the car park was empty. I set off in semi-darkness across the road to what on my previous visit in 2009 was the start for the[…]

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Satter Hill and Knock Saul

I parked at the entrance to Townmill Farm on the east side of the B992 Keig to Insch Road, crossed this road and followed a signed route west. This initially took me across a field before I entered some long grassy vegetation where at times the path wasn’t obvious. Prior[…]

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Glen Tilt

I arrived in the car park at the Old Bridge of Tilt, accessed from the B8079 at Blair Atholl, just before 7.30am. It was fairly busy with campervans and overnight parkers. I set off initially pushing my cycle across the road and for the first couple of hundred metres along[…]

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An Socach, Pait Forest

I departed Inverness just after 4.30am and drove to the parking area at the head of Loch Long, reached from the A87 Kyle of Lochalsh Road north-west of Dornie. The midges were out as I geared up for this long cycle/walk.  I set off on my bike along the private[…]

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