Graham, Beinn na Sroine from Glen Lochy

With a changeable weather forecast it was decided on a short walk before I headed home. The Graham, Beinne na Sroine, would only take around a couple of hours so we left my car on an area of waste ground in Glen Lochy on the north side of the A85[…]

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Cruach nam Miseag and Beinn Bheula

I headed to Lochgoilhead then along the west shore of Loch Goil towards Lettermay with the intention of climbing the Sub 2K Marilyn, Cruach nam Miseag, and possibly the Corbett, Beinn Bheula. Finding a parking space at Lettermay has always been a problem but with the appearance of more holiday[…]

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Hills North and North-East Isle of Tiree

This turned out to be our final full day on the Isle of Tiree and with three Tumps still to climb we headed to the north and north-east of the Island stopping initially at Balephetrish Bay. It was then a drive of only a couple of kilometres along the B8068[…]

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Hump, Beinn Hough, Isle of Tiree

The second Hump on the Isle of Tiree, there are only two, was Beinn Hough at 119 metres. We parked on the grass at the start of the tarred road leading to Creagan House and Cnoc an Fhithich, south-west of the hamlet of Hough. We walked along this road and[…]

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South-West Hills Isle of Tiree

Carnan Mor – The previous day we travelled on the Cal Mac ferry from Oban to Tiree the crossing taking just over four hours. It was a windy morning and once out of the Sound of Mull there was a bit of a sea swell. The winds continued to rise[…]

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Graham Tops East of Strath Avon

Checking the weather forecast for the weekend, Saturday appeared to be the better day for a trip to Strath Avon to climb a few tops on its east side. The car park at Delnabo, south-west of Tomintoul, was empty when I arrived and once geared up I set off for[…]

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